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Annual Apprenticeship Contests at the N.C. State Fair
- Monday, October 18, 2021 - 10:30 AM to Sunday, October 24, 2021 - 10:30 AM
N.C. State Fair Contests Continue through Sunday, Oct. 24.
Allison Fanjoy and Drew Sauls, both students at Holly Springs High School, won the 35th annual Carpentry Pre-Apprenticeship Contest at the N.C. State Fair, on Thursday, Oct. 21.David Smith, deputy commissioner for the N.C. Department of Agriculture, left, and Bruce Mack, Ed.D., right, presented the winning team with their awards and prizes.

The annual apprenticeship contests will conclude Sunday, Oct. 24, with the Fifth annual Robotics Contest. Look for the white apprenticeship tent near Gate @ at the N.C. State Fair. The Cosmetology Contest is currenlty underway.